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Buy the entrance Ticket to Machu Picchu for Students

Portada / Useful information for travel to Peru / Touristic Tickets / Buy the entrance Ticket to Machu Picchu for Students
All undergraduate students worldwide receive a special discount on entry to Machu Picchu. Learn all the details here.
Friends in Machu Picchu: Source: CuscoPeru.com
Students receive a special discount on the entrance ticket to Machu Picchu
Friends in Machu Picchu: Source: CuscoPeru.com
Students receive a special discount on the entrance ticket to Machu Picchu

The Inca citadel of Machu Picchu is one of the favorite destinations for students from around the world who long to visit this amazing place. Additionally, the Peruvian government allows students to access discounts when purchasing entrance tickets to the Inca citadel. This is done to encourage knowledge of the Incas' historical legacy among new generations.

What is the Machu Picchu ticket for students?

The Machu Picchu ticket for students is the official document issued by the organization responsible for the care of the Machu Picchu Archaeological Park. There are basically ten types of entrance tickets to Machu Picchu, all of which allow access to student discounts.

The visit to Machu Picchu is included in all the offered circuits, but the route varies depending on the chosen circuit, with circuit 2 being the most complete and preferred by visitors.

CircuitForeign StudentCAN Member and National Student
Circuit 1S/ 77 (US$ 21)S/ 32 (US$ 9)
Circuit 1 + Machu Picchu MountainS/ 125 (US$ 34)S/ 80 (US$ 22)
Circuit 1 + Intipunku GateS/ 77 (US$ 21)S/ 32 (US$ 9)
Circuit 1 + Inka BridgeS/ 77 (US$ 21)S/ 32 (US$ 9)
Circuit 2S/ 77 (US$ 21)S/ 32 (US$ 9)
Circuit 3S/ 77 (US$ 21)S/ 32 (US$ 9)
Circuit 3 + Huayna Picchu MountainS/ 125 (US$ 34)S/ 80 (US$ 22)
Circuit 3 + Great CaveS/ 125 (US$ 34)S/ 80 (US$ 22)
Circuit 3 + Huchuy PicchuS/ 77 (US$ 21)S/ 32 (US$ 9)

How to buy the Machu Picchu ticket for students?

Before purchasing your Machu Picchu student ticket, it is important to check if you meet the necessary requirements to access the discount. Then, verify the availability for the date you wish to travel. Once this is done, you will be able to buy the ticket with a discount without any problem.

Requirements to access the Machu Picchu student discount

  • Be an undergraduate student at any university.
  • Be under 25 years old.
  • Have a valid university ID card at the time of your visit, issued by your university.
  • Have a valid passport or identity document.

What type of student ID is valid?

In recent years, the rules for entering Machu Picchu have changed due to cases of people using fake documents to obtain student discounts. These issues affect the registration of visitors to the Inca site.

Previously, the international student ID known as "ISIC" could be presented, but due to tampering and forgeries, it is no longer allowed.

The student ID that is valid to access the Machu Picchu student ticket discount must have the following characteristics:

  • The ID must be issued by the university the student attends.
  • The ID must be valid at the time of purchasing the Machu Picchu ticket.
  • The expiration date of the ID must be recorded on the ID.
  • The ID material must be PVC plastic.
  • The names, surnames, and photo of the student, as well as the name of the university, must be listed.

If the presented university ID meets all these requirements, it will be considered valid. If it does not meet any of these requirements, you will not be able to access the student discount.

Students at the Inca city of Machu Picchu. Source: CuscoPeru.com
Students at the Inca city of Machu Picchu
Students at the Inca city of Machu Picchu. Source: CuscoPeru.com
Students at the Inca city of Machu Picchu

Where can I buy a Machu Picchu ticket for students?

The purchase of the Machu Picchu student ticket must be made virtually through the Joinnus website.

On the website, you must select the type of ticket and check availability, choose the entry time, then enter your details. Be careful in this field, as after making the purchase, no changes are accepted.

Once you have entered all the details, you will be asked to send a scanned copy of your university ID and passport to verify if you can access the offered discount.

You can also send us a digital copy of your university ID, as well as your DNI or passport, and we will take care of the reservation process for you. Just click on the following link: info@cuscoperu.com and request a reservation to visit Machu Picchu.

What documents should I bring with me to enter Machu Picchu?

To enter the Machu Picchu archaeological complex, you must obligatorily carry the Machu Picchu student ticket, your physical university ID, and your national identity document or passport.

An important point to consider is that the INC considers all those under 18 years old as schoolchildren, meaning they have a differentiated price when entering Machu Picchu.

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