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Is it safe to travel to Peru nowadays?

Portada / Useful information for travel to Peru / Is it safe to travel to Peru nowadays?
Peru is a country full of charm and incredible places to visit. However, like any other country, it can present safety challenges, especially when you are far from your home country, due to the meeting of different cultures. Here we provide all the details about safety in Peru, along with precautions and tips to make your trip as safe as possible.
The historic center of Cusco is the safest area of the city
The historic center of Cusco is the safest area of the city

Can you travel to Peru now?

Traveling to Peru in 2024 is completely safe for all national and international tourists. However, to ensure a peaceful and satisfying experience, we recommend staying informed about the latest events.

Can you travel alone to Peru?

Peru is a safe country for solo travelers. However, as with any trip, it is important to keep close contacts informed about the activities you plan to undertake during your stay. If each traveler takes precautions regarding their own safety, the risk is significantly reduced.

It is important to take certain precautions to make your visit safer. We recommend having the contact information of the embassy of your country in Peru so you can communicate with them if any incident arises.

Is Machu Picchu closed?

Machu Picchu is Peru's main tourist attraction. Since its closure in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it has not had any interruptions.

In 2024, access to Machu Picchu has not been interrupted and it is open to the public every day of the year, according to the schedule corresponding to each entry ticket.

Is it safe to travel to Peru with children?

Peru is a safe destination for traveling with children, although parents or guardians should be attentive to their care. It is advisable to take extra precautions in crowded places and keep a close watch on them at all times.

Many tourist attractions and activity venues are properly equipped to receive families, making the travel experience more comfortable and safer.

Is it safe to stay in Peru?

Most hotels in Peru have security policies in favor of guests. It is recommended to stay in hotels with the necessary authorizations from the authorities.

It is best to make reservations through authorized agencies or verified booking websites to avoid complications upon arrival or incidents during your stay.

Is it necessary to rent a car in Peru?

It is not necessary to rent a car in Peru if your stay will be short. However, if your trip will be extended or your plans require freedom of movement, it is recommended to rent a car from authorized agencies.

Safety for tourism in Peru

The tourism sector in Peru is very safe, as all agencies and operators are under strict supervision by government authorities. However, it is necessary to be informed about certain areas if you wish to travel independently.

Risk situations

Most of Peru is generally safe, especially in tourist areas where authorities strive to protect visitors' safety.

Risk situations are more common in crowded areas within cities, such as markets, where pickpocketing is common. It is advisable to keep an eye on your belongings in these places.

During the rainy season, landslides on the roads leading to tourist attractions are likely. This can also happen on the train route to Machu Picchu; however, the worst that can happen is a delayed train arrival. Relevant authorities have an action plan ready in case these incidents occur.

When there are crowds, it is advisable to keep an eye on your belongings
When there are crowds, it is advisable to keep an eye on your belongings

Tips for traveling to Peru

Peru is one of the main destinations in South America and one of the safest countries in the region. However, like most countries, it also has its security challenges. Here are some tips to make your trip to Peru safer:

  • When withdrawing money, do so in a secure location and be discreet.
  • Do not carry too much cash.
  • Keep your electronic devices, such as cameras or cell phones, under supervision.
  • Carry only a copy of your passport to avoid loss or theft.

Contact CuscoPeru.com to discover Peru

The best way to ensure safety and comfort is by hiring a travel agency. CuscoPeru.com offers tour packages that cater to the needs of individuals, providing security and comfort in every tour.

If you are interested in any of our packages, you can contact a sales advisor.

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