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Travel Experience: Step by Step on the 2-Day Inca Trail

Portada / Useful information for travel to Peru / Data for traveler / Travel Experience: Step by Step on the 2-Day Inca Trail
We are three Argentinean friends who enjoy traveling the world and discovering the wonders it has to offer. The Inca Trail was always an experience that we wanted to do, so, what better than taking advantage of our vacations to make this dream possible?
Completing the Inca Trail was one of the best experiences we've hads
Completing the Inca Trail was one of the best experiences we've hads

We decided to embark on the adventure of the Inca Trail because we had always heard that this journey was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and that was our main motivation. We knew exactly what we wanted to see and which were the most attractive places; we were determined to make it happen.

However, when we discovered that the Inca Trail took 4 days to get a complete experience, we were a little disappointed. We didn't have all that time because we wanted to see more of Peru in the short time we had, but we also didn't want to miss out on the experience. To our pleasant surprise, we found out that we could have an almost complete experience with just a 2-day trek. Without hesitation, we booked it immediately.

So, what was the highlight of the trip? Which places did we find incredible? What left us in awe? Is arriving at Machu Picchu via the Inca Trail truly a memorable experience? We'll tell you all about our journey in detail.

Day 1: The Adventure Begins in Cusco

We arrived in Cusco a few days earlier, as recommended by the travel agency CuscoPeru.com, to acclimatize properly and avoid altitude sickness during the hike. I would like to highlight the constant support provided by the agency's staff from the moment we arrived in Cusco, something that truly surprised me.

The day before departure, Efraín, a member of the agency, requested a meeting to explain all the details of the hike. They told us to bring light luggage and emphasized the importance of snacks and water, in addition to basic items like sunscreen and hats to protect us from the sun.

He also explained the entire itinerary in detail; he was very specific, clear, and kind in answering our questions. This meeting only increased our excitement for the journey along the ancient Inca Trail.

Waking Up Early Was Worth It!

At first, it seemed a bit excessive to start the trip at 4:00 a.m., but they explained that it was necessary to hike with greater comfort and safety. Now we can say that it was completely worth waking up early that day.

The driver and Rómulo, our designated guide, were very punctual in picking us up from the hotel to head to the train station in Ollantaytambo.

Cusco, We’ll Be Back!

Cusco has a cold climate, and leaving so early in the morning made it feel even colder. We dressed lightly because they advised us not to carry too much luggage to avoid making the journey tedious; it was probably one of the best pieces of advice we received.

We only felt the cold when leaving the hotel and getting into the car, as the driver had the heater on, which quickly warmed us up.

We were already on our way to this majestic adventure.

We’re On Our Way

The journey was smooth, and it hardly felt like we were on the road. However, since the sun hadn't risen yet, we couldn't fully enjoy the panoramic views surrounding us.

The trip lasted about 1 hour and 30 minutes. During the entire journey, Rómulo shared a bit of history about each important place we passed.

Hello Ollantaytambo!

Ollantaytambo greeted us still in the early morning. However, it was much less cold than in Cusco. Moreover, the driver dropped us off right at the entrance of the train station. While waiting for the train's departure, the sun began to rise. It was incredible to hear the birds singing as we boarded the train that would take us to the start of the Inca Trail.

We were still a bit sleepy, but everything was so much fun

First Encounter with the Inca Trail

The train ride to the starting point of the Inca Trail was very scenic. We had tickets for the Vistadome train, and the view it offered was incredible. With the sunlight, we could appreciate the beautiful Andean landscapes with their stunning mountains. In the distance, we could see the snow-capped peak of La Veronica, a truly magnificent sight.

Additionally, the onboard service was very friendly, making the journey even more enjoyable. The trip to the starting point took 1 hour and 10 minutes, which flew by; we wouldn't have noticed if the train staff hadn't informed us it was time to disembark.

The Start of the Inca Trail

Upon getting off the train, the first thing that greeted us was nature. We were surrounded by dense jungle and many other travelers also ready to start this trek. The first attraction we saw was a wooden pedestrian bridge crossing the Urubamba River, a beautiful and very fast-flowing river.

At this location, there is a registration booth, and while we waited, we took a few photos with the nature and the classic sign announcing the start of the hike. Once registered, we were able to enter and begin the trek.

The first encounter with the Inca Trail

Archaeological Site of Chachabamba

Just 5 minutes into the hike, we found ourselves at the first site to visit: the archaeological site of Chachabamba. This place was incredible; we were able to explore it up close while the guide explained its function and importance due to its proximity to Machu Picchu.

The guide told us that this site was a mandatory stop before visiting Machu Picchu as it served to purify all travelers before reaching the Inca city. We realized we were in a place of great importance to Inca culture.

Starting with this experience filled us with energy and excitement; immersing ourselves in history was incredible.

Encounter with Nature

The hike wasn't too exhausting; we had breaks every so often to recharge, and the view of the surrounding mountains was breathtaking. Rómulo explained that this section of the Inca Trail passed through the cloud forest of Peru and the Peruvian Andes, offering a view that highlighted the differences between the highlands and the jungle of Peru. We could also feel the change in climate as we progressed.

The Incredible Natural Wealth

Another marvelous point was the great biodiversity surrounding us. There were sections of the trail where we were almost entirely enveloped by vegetation, resembling tunnels. There were also parts where we climbed stone steps, and our guide explained that the people of the Inca culture also traveled these paths. It was amazing to know we had the opportunity to walk along these ancient routes.

Rómulo, in addition to providing educational and engaging explanations, also took the time to take amazing photos of us at each point we indicated, ensuring we had a keepsake of this fantastic journey and didn't miss anything.

The hike didn't feel tiring because there were rest points where we could shelter from the sun and relax. In these spots, we often met other travelers with whom we shared the experiences we were living.

We enjoyed every step of the Inca Trail

The Beautiful Phuyuwachi Waterfall

It was almost mid-morning, and the sun was getting stronger, so arriving at the Phuyuwachi Waterfall was a blessing for us. It was wonderful to rest at this spot while listening to the soothing sound of the waterfall. We also took the opportunity to snap a bunch of photos to remember the experience.

The area felt cool; besides being covered by dense vegetation, it offered a perfect refuge from the strong sun. We stayed there for about 30 minutes, resting and recharging before continuing.


If we had to choose one of the best experiences of that day, it would definitely be the stretch before reaching Wiñayhuayna. From a distance, we could see ourselves approaching the archaeological site. We had walked for about 4 hours, including breaks, and it was almost noon when we arrived at Wiñayhuayna.

The terracing that greeted us was incredible, and its value was only enhanced by Rómulo's fantastic explanation. The architectural work behind Wiñayhuayna and the engineering used to turn it into the main agricultural center near Machu Picchu were impressive.

We were also amazed by the flora. We had seen orchids along the way, but we were surprised to find such a variety in one place. Everything was surrounded by an immense number of orchids and other flowers.

At this point, we rested and had lunch. The agency had prepared a box lunch for each of us. Once we finished lunch, we continued the hike towards the city of Machu Picchu.

The Only Entrance: Intipunku

It was a 1-hour and 30-minute hike to reach the iconic Sun Gate. In Inca times, this was the only entrance to Machu Picchu, and from there, you had an incredible view of the Inca city.

In addition to resting, we took the opportunity to have a photo session with the wonderful view of Machu Picchu. We knew we were getting closer to our final stop. The excitement of seeing Machu Picchu from afar only recharged our energy to continue.

We thoroughly enjoyed reaching Wiñayhuayna

We Got the Classic Machu Picchu Photo!

When we started the descent towards Machu Picchu, we knew we were getting closer to seeing one of the wonders of the world for the first time.

We arrived around 4:00 p.m. Simply impressive. Rómulo explained that we could only get the classic photo of Machu Picchu and that we would return the next day for a more detailed visit inside Machu Picchu.

The first impression of Machu Picchu was WOW! We knew it was incredible, but the feeling of that moment was completely different and unique. The view, the energy, everything was simply fantastic. With Rómulo's help, we took tons of photos; we didn't want to miss a single detail.

Rómulo told us it was time to leave, and with the promise of visiting Machu Picchu more in-depth the next day, we just said goodbye for now.

The Inca city of Machu Picchu is simply marvelous

Night in Aguas Calientes

After leaving Machu Picchu, we took the bus that would take us to Aguas Calientes, the town of Machu Picchu, where we would rest. The trip was a bit bumpy, but in about 20 minutes, we were in Aguas Calientes.

Rómulo accompanied us to the hotel and waited for us to rest a bit before giving us a brief tour of the town and then accompanying us to the place where we would have dinner.

Rómulo informed us that he would pick us up at the hotel early the next day because our second entrance to Machu Picchu was at the first time slot.

In addition to the 2-day Inca Trail, we also booked tickets to hike to the top of Huayna Picchu. So that day, Rómulo gave us a brief explanation of what the Huayna Picchu hike and the Machu Picchu visit would entail, provided recommendations on what to bring, and offered some useful tips.

Day 2: Exploring Machu Picchu

The next day, we woke up early and got ready to continue the adventure. Rómulo was very punctual with the pick-up time; we returned to the bus station and set off for Machu Picchu.

Having the first entry time meant there were far fewer people, making the experience more comfortable. Additionally, it allowed us to find Machu Picchu almost empty, a unique experience.

The Machu Picchu Tour

Our entry took us to see the most notable sites of Machu Picchu. Undoubtedly, the Temple of the Sun was incredible, and the photos we got of the Temple of the Three Windows were wonderful. Each site we visited was full of history and culture, and listening to Rómulo explain with such passion was very pleasant. It wasn't just the information, but also the experience he shared.

Here We Go, Huayna Picchu

We continued until we reached the entry point to Huayna Picchu. Once registered, we began the ascent to the mountain. We knew the climb to the summit would be exciting and adrenaline-filled. However, hearing about it is very different from experiencing the hike firsthand.

Rómulo's company, along with his explanations, added a special touch to the adventure. We had breaks every so often to recharge and continue. There were sections where we needed to be very careful to avoid slipping, as much of the path had a steep drop on the side. This only added excitement to the climb.

A Different Perspective

When we reached the summit of Huayna Picchu, the perspective was completely different from what we had seen from the Intipunku the day before. The view of Machu Picchu and how it was filling up with visitors was fantastic.

We took even more photos here because it was incredible to be in a place said to be accessible only to the elite of the Inca empire. The summit filled us with positive energy, and we didn't want to leave.

However, it was time to descend and continue exploring the Inca city. The descent was even more fun. We all knew that the effort was worth it, and the memories would stay with us until we had the opportunity to relive the experience.

Climbing Huayna Picchu was incredible, but the descent was an adrenaline-filled experience
Climbing Huayna Picchu was incredible, but the descent was an adrenaline-filled experience

Thank You, Machu Picchu!

On the way back to Aguas Calientes, we couldn't stop talking about the experiences, and we all agreed on one thing: the entire adventure was AMAZING.

Rómulo accompanied us to the hotel to pick up the luggage we had left and was very kind to take us to the train station. The return to Ollantaytambo felt too short because we couldn't stop reminiscing about the best moments of the hike.

And as we promised…

What was the highlight of the trip?

Without a doubt, the highlight was reaching the Intipunku. Knowing that we were arriving through the only entrance that existed to enter Machu Picchu and thinking that important figures of the empire also passed through this place gave it a new feeling.

Which places did I find incredible?

Wiñayhuayna and the summit of Huayna Picchu were also highlights. Wiñayhuayna, being a point that can only be accessed through the Inca Trail, gives it an extra charm, as not many people have the opportunity to do so. And Huayna Picchu, for the incredible view of the valley surrounding the Inca city.

What left me in awe?

The first view of Machu Picchu was indescribable. Seeing Machu Picchu in photos is one thing, but the feeling of standing in front of one of the wonders of the world is completely incredible, an experience everyone should have once in their life.

Is arriving at Machu Picchu via the Inca Trail truly a memorable experience?

Absolutely, once you arrive, you may be very tired after a long hike, perhaps under a scorching sun, but the reward of reaching Machu Picchu via the ancient path used by the Inca people is a unique experience. Seriously, you can't imagine how wonderful it is.

And Thank You, CuscoPeru.com

We cannot finish recounting the experience without mentioning those who made this magnificent adventure possible. We felt supported from the first contact, even before arriving in Cusco, as they were attentive to us from the moment our flight to the city of Cusco departed. The attentions throughout the journey were magnificent.

The support and recommendations to avoid altitude sickness and enjoy a pleasant experience were invaluable. And, above all, we must highlight Rómulo's guidance. It truly shows when someone knows and loves sharing their culture. Rómulo was not only a great guide; you could even say he became our friend. If we decide to return, he will be our first choice. He was always very kind, attentive, and, above all, fun. The experience wouldn't have been as good without him accompanying us.

The company's logistics were impeccable; we always felt supported. They picked us up at our hotel in Cusco and brought us back to the same point in Cusco. The driver was friendly, and his driving was very pleasant.

Without a doubt, one could say they made the right choice by selecting CuscoPeru.com as their operator for this fantastic adventure on the Inca Trail.

Thank you CuscoPeru.com for the experience

Happy passengers