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Useful information for travel to Peru

Portada / Useful information for travel to Peru
The information below is a quick guide of what you should know to travel to Peru. For more detailed information you can access the section information by topic, shown at the end of this article.

Useful Phones:

The telephone numbers for calls within the same region are 7 digits in Lima and 6 digits in other regions of Peru. Here are the most used telephone prefixes for Peru.

Telephone codes:

Country or Region
Peru (Country Code)

Emergency Phones:

National Police
Emergency Fire Department
Red Cross
Road police

Exchange Rate:

The currency of Peru is the "Sol". The following list shows the exchange rate of the foreign currency to the Sol (PEN).
Foreign Currency
USD (Dolares) $1
3,6377 /$
EUR (Euros) €1
3,78 /€


Prices (USD)
Gasoline (90 octane)
Diesel 2

Business Hours:

Banks: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Restaurants: From 9:00 to 22.00 hours.
Stores: From 9:00 to 21:00 hours.
Markets: Supermarkets open their doors from 9:00 to 20:00 hours and central markets from 5:00 to 17:00 hours.

These schedules are referential and correspond to the main cities of the country; in small and remote towns these schedules may vary considerably.

Touristic Tickets

Find out the ticket rates to the different tourist attractions. Where? How? Who? Find out and check.

Data for traveler

Here you will find tourist information, as the climate of the principal regions, economy, documentation, and all you need to know to make your trip…

Emergency Directory

Necessary and useful information for you, main emergency directories of the cities of Peru.

Currency & Economy

Our diverse commercial activities such as fishing, agriculture, livestock and mining. They make the Peruvian economy sustainable.

Geography & Weather

All geographic regions with their respective climates. Coast, Highlands and Jungle. This is my Peru.

Flights - Trains - Buses

We have a variety of air, land and rail transportation. Don't wait any longer! it's time to travel!
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