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Huacas of the Sun and the Moon

Two monumental pre-Hispanic structures that represent the cultural and religious legacy of the ancient Moche culture.


The Huacas del Sol y la Luna are two impressive pre-Hispanic pyramids located on the northern coast of Peru, near the city of Trujillo. These monumental structures were built by the Moche culture between the 1st and 9th centuries AD. The Huaca del Sol, the larger of the two, served as an administrative and political center, while the Huaca de la Luna was an important ceremonial and religious center. Both huacas are made of adobe and are a testament to the advanced engineering and rich cultural tradition of the Moches.


Located 8 km southeast of the city of Trujillo.


The Huacas del Sol y la Luna offer a fascinating glimpse into the past of the Moche culture. The Huaca del Sol, with its imposing terraces and stepped structure, stands out as the largest pyramid in the area. The Huaca de la Luna, though smaller, is equally impressive with its polychrome murals and reliefs depicting the deity Ai Apaec. This archaeological site also includes remains of human sacrifices, adding an aura of mystery and reverence to the place. Visitors can explore the ceremonial plazas, platforms, and overlapping temples that make up this archaeological complex.


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