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Difference between Machu Picchu mountain and Huayna Picchu mountain

Portada / About Peru /  Machu Picchu Information / Difference between Machu Picchu mountain and Huayna Picchu mountain
When we travel to Machu Picchu, we can visit one of the mountains surrounding the citadel. Here we present the differences so that you can make this important decision.

When visiting the Machu Picchu citadel, you will have the opportunity to hike one of the two mountains surrounding this Wonder of the World: Huayna Picchu Mountain or Machu Picchu Mountain (not the Machu Picchu citadel itself). Each offers a unique attraction that makes the hike distinct and memorable.

Huayna Picchu Mountain (Wayna Picchu)

Huayna Picchu Mountain, which in Quechua means "Young Mountain," is located at an altitude of 2,667 meters, to the north of the Machu Picchu citadel. The trail to reach the summit of this mountain is more challenging, as it features steep stairs and narrow paths. This hike is not recommended for those who suffer from vertigo, nor for children under 12 or elderly individuals.

Information about Huayna Picchu Mountain

  • Location: To the north of the Machu Picchu citadel
  • Altitude: 2,693 meters above sea level
  • Distance: 2 kilometers
  • Hiking time: 3 hours (round trip)
  • Difficulty: Medium-High
View from the summit of Huayna Picchu Mountain
View from the summit of Huayna Picchu Mountain

Machu Picchu Mountain

Machu Picchu Mountain is located at an altitude of 3,082 meters, to the south of the Machu Picchu citadel. Being higher than Huayna Picchu Mountain, it features more friendly and less demanding characteristics. Its ascent is not as steep, and it has wider paths and resting points along the way.

Information about Machu Picchu Mountain

  • Location: To the south of the Machu Picchu citadel
  • Altitude: 3,082 meters above sea level
  • Distance: 2 kilometers
  • Hiking time: 4 hours (round trip)
  • Difficulty: Medium
View from the summit of Machu Picchu Mountain
View from the summit of Machu Picchu Mountain

Differences between Both Mountains

To make your choice easier, we present a comparative table of both trails:

Differences Huayna Picchu Mountain Machu Picchu Mountain
Location To the north of the Machu Picchu citadel To the south of the Machu Picchu citadel
Altitude 2,693 meters above sea level 3,082 meters above sea level
Distance 2 kilometers, elevation 290 meters 2 kilometers, elevation 200 meters
Hiking time 3 hours (round trip) 4 hours (round trip)
Access Huayranas Sector Guardian's House Junction
  • Group 1 from 7am – 8am
  • Group 2 from 8am – 9am
  • Group 3 from 9am - 10am
  • Group 4 from 10am – 11am
  • Group 1 from 7am – 8am
  • Group 2 from 8am – 9am
Number of visitors 325 people per day 250 people per day
Circuit Circuit 3 - Waynapicchu Route Circuit 1 - Machu Picchu Mountain Route
Re-entry Does not allow re-entry to the citadel Allows re-entry to the citadel
Archaeological attractions Terraces and Temple of the Moon None
Restrictions Only for those over 12 years old For all audiences
Difficulty Medium-High Medium

Advantages and Disadvantages of Huayna Picchu Mountain

Advantages Disadvantages
  • Better panoramic view of the Machu Picchu citadel
  • Jungle edge landscape
  • Agricultural terraces
  • Archaeological site: Temple of the Moon
  • More physical effort
  • Steep ascent
  • Narrow paths
  • Steep stairs

Advantages and Disadvantages of Machu Picchu Mountain

Advantages Disadvantages
  • Good panoramic view of the Machu Picchu citadel and Huayna Picchu Mountain
  • Less physical effort
  • Less steep ascent
  • Wider paths
  • Variety of flora and fauna
  • No archaeological sites
  • Longer duration of the journey


  • It is recommended to wear trekking shoes, as well as sunscreen, sunglasses, and insect repellent.
  • If traveling during the rainy season (November - March), it is advisable to bring waterproof clothing.
  • Bring only what is necessary for climbing the mountain; the hike can be very demanding, so avoid unnecessary weight.
  • Carefully check that all details are correct at the time of purchase, as once the purchase is made, no changes or cancellations can be made.
  • If you are interested in a complete experience, consider our Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu tour (if you book in advance ask for promotions and discounts).

Frequently Asked Questions about Both Mountains

It is possible to visit both mountains in one day, but it is not recommended as hiking just one mountain involves considerable physical effort, and climbing one after the other can cause significant fatigue. 

Additionally, it is very challenging to organize the schedules for both mountains as they are very close together, and you would need to purchase two different tickets, one that includes Huayna Picchu Mountain and another with access to Machu Picchu Mountain.

When purchasing tickets to enter the Machu Picchu citadel, you must choose to climb one of the mountains at the time of purchase. 

It is recommended to purchase the ticket for Huayna Picchu Mountain 3 months in advance. The ticket for Machu Picchu Mountain should be obtained 4 weeks in advance.

Only Machu Picchu Mountain allows entry for children under 12 years old. In the case of Huayna Picchu Mountain, it only permits entry for those over 12 years old accompanied by an adult.

Yes, elderly people can climb both mountains, but it is recommended that they only climb Machu Picchu Mountain as it does not require much physical effort and has resting places.

A tour guide is not necessary to hike either of the two mountains.

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