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Real Felipe Fortress and Museum of the Peruvian Army

Museum that offers a fascinating insight into the military history of Peru, exhibiting weapons, uniforms and historical objects.

Portada / About Peru / Lima / Museums of Lima / Real Felipe Fortress and Museum of the Peruvian Army


Military relics such as a cannon brought by Pizarro or a cannon used in the war of independence.


Plaza Independencia, Callao.


Spanish military fortress, built between 1747 and 1774, bastion of defense of the port of El Callao from pirate and corsair attacks. It was the last Spanish stronghold during the independence of Peru. Designed by Luis Godín according to the plans of the Vaudan School that dominated the military art of the time. It has 70 thousand square meters of area and it has pentagonal form; 5 bastions, walls, cordon, parapet, embankments and escapes. It had 188 bronze cannons and 124 iron cannons. Part of this fortress currently constitutes the Military Historical Museum.


Attention Tuesday to Sunday from 9 to 13 hrs.
Admission fee: S/. 18.00 nuevos soles.

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