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Huaca Pucllana Juliana

Fascinating archaeological site showing the ruins of a pre-Columbian pyramid.
Portada / About Peru / Lima / Archaeological Centers Lima / Huaca Pucllana Juliana


The Huaca Pucllana was an Administrative and Ceremonial Center of the Lima Culture, during the years from 200 to 700 after our era (in the Early Intermediate period).


Gral. Borgoño - Cuadra. 8 s/n, Miraflores.


The attractions are:

The tour of the site

The third part of the pyramid and the lower part are conditioned with a tourist circuit that allows to know closely the diverse spaces used when the site was a ceremonial center. in some enclosures and patios have been enabled recreations to natural size of settlers of the Lima culture carrying out diverse activities (manufacture of adobes, ceremonies, etc.) as well as of tombs of the Wari culture, accompanied by photographs of the excavation process; this allows a clearer understanding of the past of the site. Likewise, visitors have the opportunity to observe the archaeologists at work because the excavated areas are not hidden from the public. The aim is not only to show the site's past, but also how it is recovered through the patient work of the archaeologists and curators.

The showroom

The site has a small exhibition hall, inaugurated in 1984, which displays part of the findings made at the site. Most of the objects correspond to the Lima culture, highlighting the ceremonial jars, miniature mortuary offerings, ceramic sculptures of sharks and implements used in sacrifices. A sample of well-preserved polychrome textiles from the Waricom culture complements the exhibition of some of the offerings found in the tombs. All this is complemented with infographics, recreations and photographs accompanied by short texts in a clear and simple language.

The native flora and fauna park

It is considered an important objective to show that aspects of the ancient cultures that inhabited Pucllana remain today, this is achieved by showing how the plants and animals that were cultivated and raised at that time are still an important part of the life of a Limeño or Peruvian today. Various plants such as corn, pacay, guava, tuna, tara, guarango, etc. are exhibited along with South American camelids, Creole ducks or "jokes" in muchik (Mochica) language, guinea pigs and Peruvian hairless dogs. These canids are now Cultural Patrimony of the Nation, but in Huaca Pucllana they have been bred since before this, constituting a pioneering site in the conservation and revaluation of this native species.

The traditional technology area

The site has an exhibition and sales room for handicrafts made from various materials such as vegetable fiber, gourds, ceramics, wood and metals, as well as products made from native foods. Every weekend there are craft exhibitions and demonstrations where you can interact with the artisans. The products are decorated with motifs that appear in the objects found in the excavations.


Wednesday to Monday 9:00 am. - 5:00 pm.

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