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Megantoni National Sanctuary

Protected natural reserve that harbors a great diversity of species in its exuberant jungle.

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According to myths and legends of Machiguenga origin, in this area where their culture originated. It is also believed that this place represents the historical link between the Andean and Amazonian worlds. From here, it is speculated, the cobblestone roads that penetrate the Amazonian thicket to different cities and fortresses start.

It covers an area of 215,868.96 hectares and is located in the central part of the Urubamba River basin, in the Ausangate Mountain Range, in the district of Echarate, province of La Convención (department of Cusco).


Central part of the Urubamba River, Cordillera de Ausangate in the district of Echarate, province of La Convención.
Take a bus from Cusco - Quillabamba (approx. 8 hours), Quillabamba - Puerto de Tintiniquiato (approx. 10 hours), Puerto de Tintiniquiato - Pongo de Mainique (approx. 2 h).
You can also get there by taking a small plane Cusco - Timpia community, then travel by boat for 15 minutes until arriving at the Machiguenga center.


This area is one of the few whose vegetation remains intact and that allows connecting the puna region with the lowland jungle, home of the majestic “Mayne” name of the brown bear in native language. Traveling through the Pongo is a fascinating experience for adventure and nature lovers.

During the journey you can observe numerous waterfalls and interesting fauna among which the Military Macaw, the Cock of the Rock, Spectacled Bear and a variety of monkeys such as the Black Machin, Maquisapa, Choro, etc..

The only lodging alternative in this area is the Machiguenga Center for Tropical Studies. The owners of this lodge are the 125 families of the native community of Timpía, a little explored area of the Peruvian Amazon.

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