Being the second most important city in the country, Arequipa has museums of relevance. Some of them are so particularly exclusive that they are a must visit.
There are pre-Columbian collections from the Moche, Chimú, and Inca cultures; as well as items from Amazonian tribes, utensils, and clothing; religious art, with canvases…
It exhibits ceramic objects, textiles, funerary bundles, and wooden, stone, and metal artifacts from the cultural developments of Nazca, Tiawanaku, Wari, La Ramada, Churajón, Acari,…
This complex exhibits a wide range of valuable pre-Hispanic stone and ceramic objects, as well as bone remains. These have been found during extensive archaeological…
Contains a varied collection of archaeological pieces and historical artifacts from the Battle of Dos de Mayo and the Arequipa revolution. Art gallery. Arequipa branch…