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September - October

Portada / Festivities & Events / September - October

Festivities and Events in September and October

 Señor de Huanca

September 14th is the central day of the Lord of Huanca. For several days, hundreds of parishioners will come to this beautiful sanctuary to worship…

Señor de los Milagros

This festivity is celebrated in various departments of Peru, Cusco being one of them, here the Catholic faith of the devotees make it very special,…

Peru Mucho Gusto Fair

It is the most important gastronomic fair in Peru, Peruvians of different genders, ages, social sectors, celebrate their culinary tradition, in order to show the…
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Peruvian Gastronomy
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Señor de los Temblores
Since that earthquake of August 31, 1960, when the miraculous saint made stop the telluric...

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